Founded 1911
Annual Cleanup
Annually, May 1st through May 4th has been set aside as the date to remove all nonconforming items as well as wreaths, pots, artificial flowers, etc. Please understand that a complete clean up is needed once a year and requires a minimum of 4 days. If you wish to reuse any of your flowers remove them prior to May 1st. In order to avoid any issues, wait until the clean up has been completed before placement of any reusable flowers. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
All winter holiday decorations will be removed on January 31st.
Beautification Fund
You can place a tribute to your loved one on the sidewalk for the period of three(3) days prior to and seven(7) days after the following days:
Palm Sunday Father's Day
Easter Sunday Mother's Day
Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Tributes remaining after the seven day post holiday period will be REMOVED.
We have always been proud of our accomplishment in building Riverhurst Cemetery. Riverhurst is recognized as the best kept cemetery in the area. This is due to the fact the cemetery grounds have been laid out for the better preservation of the landscape effect.
If you wish to help this continue, you may contribute towards the beautification of Riverhurst Cemetery. For those who contribute a minimum of $1,000.00** in unspecified donations, there is a Donors Plaque recognizing these individuals near our office.
**Note: Charitable Contribution Status 501(c) 13